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Finance & Policies

Parish expenditure is funded by the precept received from Suffolk Coastal District Council annually.  The Parish Council sets its budget in November and a precept request is agreed in January.  Precepts are funded from Council Tax, the amounts requested by Parish Councils affects the Council Tax base.

Finances are reviewed at each ordinary meeting. The Financial Statements demonstrates expenditure, expenditure due, and receipts. Expenditure against the budget is also monitored.

At each financial year end the Parish Council is duty bound to appoint an Internal Audit and submit its accounts for External Audit.  The findings of the Internal Audit supports the information required for the subsequent External Audit.

Policies adopted by Easton Parish Council:


Standing Orders 24-25 (approved 20 May 2024)

Financial Regulations 24-25 (approved 20 May 2024)

Data Protection Policy (GDPR) 24-25 (approved 20 May 2024)

Freedom of Information Policy (FOI) 24-25 (approved 20 May 2024)


Code of Conduct (approved 15 January 2024)

EPC Freedom of Information Publication Scheme (approved 20 November 2023)

Statement of Internal Controls and Report (approved 18 September 2023)

EPC Standing Orders (approved 18 March 2024)

EPC Financial Regulations (approved 18 March 2024)

EPC Risk Assessment (approved 18 March 2024)





Transparency Code

EPC GDPR Policy 2019