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Recent and forthcoming meetings

  • Easton Annual Parish meeting held on 13 May 2024 unapproved minutes
  • Easton Parish Council annual meeting held on 20 May 2024 approved minutes
  • Easton Parish Council (23/24 year-end) on 18 June 2024 at 7.45pm in the village hall unapproved minutes
  • Easton Parish Council meeting on 29 July 2024 at 7.45pm in the village hall agenda

Meetings usually take place in Easton and Leatheringham Village Hall.  The Agenda gives the details of forthcoming meetings.

vill hall 2d jpeg

Easton residents are welcomed and encouraged to attend meetings and can speak regarding Agenda items during the public forum at the beginning of each meeting. During this forum reports can be heard from the District and County Councillors. The rest of the meeting forms the business of the Parish Council.  Members of the public are welcome to stay, with the exception of confidential items, but may not contribute unless invited to do so by the Chair. Please be aware that filming and other reporting might take place at the meeting.

Extraordinary Meetings

Extraordinary Parish Council meetings are convened usually to meet the submission of a Planning Application response deadline, but also, matters of urgency that may arise.

Notice and Minutes

Agendas for all meetings are placed on the Parish Council notice board situated in the village car park and online (see 'In this section'). Agendas are usually published a week in advance with a minimum of 3 days in advance.  Minutes of Parish Council meetings are placed on the Parish Council notice board and online, see  'In this section'.  A hard copy can be obtained from the Clerk upon request. 
