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Neighbourhood Plan For Easton

About the Neighbourhood Plan

The aim of a Neighbourhood Plan is to make decisions for future sustainable, economic, environmental and social development for future generations of our village, as such Easton Parish Council has decided to conduct a Neighbourhood Plan for Easton. The Neighbourhood Plan can help protect our historic and environmental assets alongside nominating type, and positioning of areas for development for housing and businesses which will respect the geographical situation of Easton for future generations.

The Neighbourhood Plan must have community involvement to put forward their views, hopes and aspirations. Questionnaires and events formed part of this engagement. The Neighbourhood Plan could then reflect the communities’ stake in its future. Involvement and support of the community is very important.The Neighbourhood Plan will provide legal policies that are unique to Easton.

The Parish Council is the lead authority. A Steering Group was formed to operate within its own terms of reference. Places4People Planning Consultancy was appointed  to lead and guide the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group up to creating the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. Rachel Leggett Associates Consultancy has been appointed to lead and support the Steering Group to take their work completing the Draft Neighbourhood plan through the Reg.14 public consultation and following this to take the Draft Neighbourhood Plan with any amendments resulting from the consultation through to Submission to East Suffolk Council.  East Suffolk Council then conducted another consultation and arranged for Examination and the Referendum to determin adoption of the Easton Neighbourhood Plan, it then sits alongside the East Suffolk Council -Coastal Local Plan.

Please contact: - Chair - sue.e.piggott@btinternet.com – 01728 746622

The ESC Neighbourhood Planning portal with details can be found on http://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/planning/neighbourhood-planning/neighbourhood-plans-in-the-area/easton-neighbourhood-area


Easton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum votes 'Yes'

The community has spoken and the majority have voted ‘Yes’ for the Neighbourhood Plan. There was an extraordinarily high turnout of 45% and 91% voted 'Yes' for the Neighbourhood Plan.

Click here for the official ESC poll result of the referendum.


Referendum Easton Neighbourhood Plan - Thursday June 13th

To read the Easton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum copy please click on the following:


The Easton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version has been completed by incorporating the modifications set out in the Examiners Report. East Suffolk Council has issued the Decision Notice and the Referendum date has been set for Thursday June 13th. This will take place at the Village Hall in the same way as East Suffolk Council conducts all elections, 7am to 10pm for the electorate of the Parish.

It is hoped that residents will support this final stage of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Independent Examiners Report for Easton Neighbourhood Plan

The Examiner has recommended that Easton Neighbourhood Plan goes to Referendum within the parish of Easton.

East Suffolk Council will complete their processes and issue the Decision Notice in relation to the plan going to Referendum.

Communication papers can be found within 'Documents' folder below.

Reg.16 now takes place  - Consultation Notice

Easton Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to East Suffolk Council ahead of it being submitted for independent examination. East Suffolk Council is publicising the plan and inviting representations between 10 November and 5pm on 19th January 2024.

Reg. 14 Consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan - February 4th to March 20th 2023 - Consultation documents

The consultation started with a drop-in exhibition at the village hall on Saturday February 4th.  Please  click here to see the   exhibition material.

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Latest News

January 22nd 2024

The Independent Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan now takes place. This follows the appointment of an Independent Examiner and the end of ESC Reg.16 consultation. 

November 14th 2023

The Neighbourhood Plan has completed Reg.15.  Reg.16 consultation that follows Reg.15. is now in process its dates are 10th November to 22nd December, with an extension to 19th January as a result of the newly published NPPF.  Independent Examination will follow the consultation this should be in January 2024.

October 3rd 2023

The Neighbourhood Plan and all required documentation has been 'Submitted' to East Suffolk Council who will now take the plan through Reg.15 and Reg.16, it will then proceed to Examination and Parish Referendum.

August 25th 2023

The Neighbourhood Plan has suffered yet another hold-up, like many around the country. The government funding that supports the work and allows Neighbourhood Plans to develop, should become available each spring and has to be applied for each year. The government failed to open up funding this year until the end of July, this has left a much-shortened year to complete works against funds.  The steering group applied for the funding immediately and on August 7th received the funding which is needed to take the Neighbourhood Plan up to Referendum.

Easton Neighbourhood Plans' Consultant R.Leggett Assoc and team are now working hard to complete all the works necessary to reach Examination and Referendum to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan.  It is expected that Submission to East Suffolk Council will be at the end of September with Examination at the end of this year, the Referendum will follow and is likely to be spring next year.

March 23rd 2023

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan Reg 14 public consultation is now closed. The start of the consultation period was marked with a 'Drop In' event held at the village hall. The day was very successful and it was lovely to see so many people. All the responses received will be considered and where appropriate amendments made to the Neighbourhood Plan in preparation for its submission to East Suffolk Council.


January 23rd 2023

A consultation exhibition event is organised for Saturday February 4th - 10am to 2pm, this marks the start of the statutory 6 week consultation required under Reg.14 for the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. We look forward to meeting you on the day.

November 28th 2022

Easton Neighbourhood Plan is preparing for Reg.14, this stage is where the Draft Neighbourhood Plan document will be put out to public consultation. There has been a huge amount of work involved to bring together the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. The pandemic that compromised so much over 2020 and 2021 created a stalling of the Neighbourhood Plan works. A new consultant has been sought, and the steering committee are looking to reach the 'finishing line' in 2023, with new government funding in the pipeline. During 2022 work has involved the co-ordination of the authorities and outside bodies, together with government teams, to provide the supporting documentation needed to reach completion of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. A consultation event will be organised for early 2023 and the following stages involving examination and finally the village referendum will conclude the Neighbourhood Plan.

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Summer Event - Saturday July 21st 2018

The Neighbourhood Plan Summer Event took place on Saturday July 21st, despite the extreme heat of the day, many people apologising for not being able to attend due to leaving on the school holiday exodus, and the Fram show it was so good to welcome a steady stream of just over 65 people throughout the afternoon. The Historic exhibition produced and manned by Brian Boon was very popular, the Archaeological  Services display, film and talk giving details of the finds and dig prior to the Hopkins Homes being built, was well received, and the display boards showed the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan, including the results of the Household Questionnaire. Very positive comments were received and the next community engagement event is likely to be towards the end of the year prior to the draft policies being prepared to submit for examination by SCDC.

Summer event 5  Summer event 10  Summer event 6

Summer event 4  Summer event 2  Archaeology display board 3

   Thank you

To all those who filled in their Questionnaire. A healthy 67% of households are represented by the Questionnaires that have been returned which is well above average for Neighbourhood Plan surveys countrywide. All the sealed envelopes are with the appointed Market Research company who will data analyse and produce a results report. The results will help form the evidence to support the policies that will produce the Easton Neighbourhood Plan.

The Summer Event to be held on July 21st will have a Prosecco and Canape’s theme. The results of the Questionnaire and progress of the Plan will be displayed. There will be an interactive display illustrating the History of Easton and the Hamilton family.

There will also be an Archaeological Exhibition. SCC Archaeological Services will man a display table with the most important Archaeological finds along with a record of all finds found during the survey prior to the Hopkins Homes estate being built, there will be a short film showing the dig followed by question time

Launch Event - Saturday January 21st 2018

The Neighbourhood Plan Launch Event, held on Saturday January 21st 2018, attracted almost a third of the village, despite the terrible weather. A hot cuppa and cake were served, and a steady stream of visitors welcomed in. The interactive display boards created much interest. Many expressed their thanks, and look forward to the Neighbourhood Plan being produced for the Parish.

Launch event photo.2   Launch event photo 1